Here Are Features Peculiar to Life Assurance.

·         Level premiums are payable throughout life or ceasing only at maturity or at attainment of specified age. Therefore, following the extensive use of mortality table; an actuarial computed table showing the distribution of human ages and expected death rates, and calculated rate applicable for specified ages for purposes of life assurance), the life assurance contracts have their annual premium determined and fixed from the outset and remains constant throughout the term of the contract. 

      This is to say that life assurance premiums are based on level premium basis. In another expression, the premium charged a policyholder remains the same amount at every renewal, irrespective of the changed circumstances of the life assured throughout the term of the contract. 

      The implications are that premiums in the early years of the life assurance will be higher than the premiums in the early years of the life assurance will be higher than the mathematically calculable cost of the risk run. The later years premiums are less than the cost of the risk run, and hence in the early years a RESERVE will accumulate on such policies. The reserves grow to become surrender value should the policyholder decides to discontinue the policy in future prior to maturity date.

Life insurance premium may be paid yearly or at slightly increase cost, half-yearly or quarterly. If premiums are to be paid monthly the policyholder is required to pay in by Debit Note or Banker’s order.

·         Participation in profits: Whole Life Assurance and Endowment Assurances can be issued with or without participation in profits. The premiums payable for with profits participation are usually higher than for similar without-profits participation. Policies issued with-profits participations entitle the policyholders to share in the profits of the insurers’ life assurance fund. The profits are usually distributed periodically as bonus on simple or compound basis to the sums assured and payable along with the sums assured whenever they are to be paid.

Where a policy does not attract bonus, the policy is said to be issued without profit participation.

·         Bonus: Policy issued with-profits participation attracts bonus. The bonus represents the surplus of assets over potential liabilities of the life assurance fund as calculated by an actuary periodically, say every three years or every other year.

      The bonuses declared are usually allocated to the sum assured and payable in the form of reversionary bonus in other words, the bonus is payable only when the policyholder becomes entitled to claim the ultimate proceeds of the policy. Thus, the amount payable under with-profit policy increases each time a bonus is added or declared.

·         Surrender Value: If a policyholder decides to discontinue the servicing of his life assurance the amount which he may be entitled to is called the Surrender Value of the policy. For a policy to qualify for surrender value, at least two full years’ premiums must have been paid by the policyholder. The amount or cash to be refunded will depend on many factors including the amount of surrender value will be mush lesser than the premiums paid, and bonuses earned.

·         Paid up value: A paid-up policy is a policy free of all future premiums, thus, if a policy has acquired surrender value, it may as an alternative to surrender be converted to a paid-up policy for a reduced sum assured called paid up value. This new sum assured depends on the premiums paid up to date and other deductions of indebtedness required. With this new status, no further premium shall be payable, but the policyholder keeps the policy until the end of the contract when the paid-up value becomes payable.

·         Policy Loan: Life assurance companies do grant loans on security of the life assurance policies up to ninety percent of the surrender values on the request of the policyholders. The loans are granted after due considerations at current rate of interest chargeable by the insurers. The loans and the interest are required to be paid during the currency of the policy; otherwise, they stand as charge against any claim. Again, any interests unpaid are usually capitalized to attract further interests.

·         Income Tax Relief: Under the existing tax regulations in Nigeria, a deduction of the premium each year from the taxable income of life assurance policyholders is generally allowed by the Federal Inland revenue Service subject to certain limits as may be determined by the tax authorities.

·         Assignment: Life assurance policies may be assigned. A life assurance policy is assigned when the policyholder instructs the insurer to transfer the financial benefits under his policy to another named person or body. 

      This is done by communicating to the insurer through a written notice which is accepted by the insurer on payment of an assignment fee. When the insurer eventually makes payment to the assigned person, he will require the person receiving the money to sign a form discharging the insurer from any further liability.

The forms of insurance policies that can be contracted in modern insurance business cannot be exhausted, new forms of insurance policies may be introduced into the insurance market as the needs arise. The next chapter is devoted to discussing the legal principle of modern insurance contracts.




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