Modern insurance business in Nigeria.

Modern insurance is a legal business contract of the type called Uberrimae fidei, literally meaning the contract of utmost good faith. It is a contract regarded as one of trust, requiring each party to the contract to exercise the duty of disclosure, without which both the insured and insurer may not have the agreement of the mind. 

The insurers do not always know the material facts about the risks proposed for insurance. Therefore, proposal forms are usually completed by the proposers availing the insurers with information which they consider material about the proposed insurance. The proposal form serves as the basis of the contract if completed and signed by the proposer. Policy documents are in turn drafted for the insured serving as evidence of the insurance of the insurance contracts. Therefore, the policy contains the intention of the parties to the insurance contracts.

Non-life insurances (Indemnity Contracts).

Non-life insurances are insurances in which the amount payable on the happening of an insured event is limited to the extent of the insured’s financial loss subject to the sum insured. The common ones are discussed below:

Fire insurance: Fire is not the literal fire everyone knows. Some fire may be beneficial such as the fire used in iron refinery or by goldsmith. Others may be destructive resulting in economic waste such as in business premises/building engulfed by fire. According to Hall (1985:7/1) fire implies the actual ignition of something which ought not to be on fire, and it must be accidental or fortuitous as far as the insured is concerned.

Fire insurance covers the insured against loss by or incidental to fire. Of course, the fire must be the property insured against loss of or damage to, by accidental fire. Two main types of fire of insurance contract exist: ordinary fire insurance cover and special perils insurance cover.

The ordinary fire cover has two main sub-classes. One deal with private or residential house and their contents and the other called standard fire cover provides coverage for every other form of building and structures including business premises and business property. The perils insured against in the ordinary fire, lightning and explosion (provided it is caused by gas or boilers used for domestic purpose).

The other type of fire policy is the special perils cover. This type of fire cover extends insurance protection to include some of the perils excluded from the ordinary or standard fire policy. Insurers may accept the extension on certain condition and at an additional premium from the insured.

Business interruption insurance.

Business interruption insurance is usually an additional insurance protection secured by the prudent insured, protected against loss or damage to property by accidental fire or special perils. It can be referred to as loss of profit insurance or consequential loss insurance explaining the import of the insurance. This insurance provides cover for the insured who as a result of fire damage is denied of normal business profits or more still, expected to incur some business expenses when the business is temporarily disrupted by fire damage. It is an insurance cover against loss of productive capacity or future earning power during the period of restoration after loss of or damage of insured property, usually property for business purposes.

Motor insurance.

Motor insurance in the commonest type of insurance in Nigeria, Nigeria insurance regulation (1977) stated that motor insurance is an insurance against loss of or damages to or arising out of or in connection with the use of motor vehicles including third party risks. The popularity of this type of insurance hinges on its social necessity (that is the over-riding social benefits of motor vehicles). However, losses arising out of their use necessitated the statutory requirement of insurance on motor vehicle used on high ways against injury to or death of third parties.

Types of motor insurance policies.

There are a number of different insurance policies under motor vehicle insurance. The common covers obtainable in the Nigerian insurance market are:

·         Act only: this type of cover specifically provides insurance protection for the insured against bodily injury to, and death of third parties including other road users, while, a vehicle is being used on public roads or highways.

·         Third party liability only: this is the commonest and the lost popular motor insurance cover in Nigeria. This insurance cover provides indemnity for damage to third party property that is property any other person not party to the said insurance contract and that provided by Act Only.

·         Third party, fire and theft insurance: this type of motor insurance cover is not common in the insurance industry, it stipulates, in addition to third party liability only, cover for fire and or theft loss or damage to the policyholder’s vehicle.

·         Comprehensive cover: comprehensive motor insurance cover is the most extensive motor vehicle insurance protection. It provides indemnity for the following.

1.       The cover as may be provided in the third party fire and theft cover.

2.       Any accidental damage to the insured vehicle including own damage and loss or damage by malicious acts like; elevator, road or inland waterways.

3.       A limited cover for medical expenses incurred by the insured, his driver or other passengers of the vehicle for injury sustained as a result of accidents.

4.       And with an additional premium, cover is extended to personal affects or accessories in the insured vehicle.


The general accident insurance: this represents a conglomeration of miscellaneous insurance, being insurances not falling under life insurance, fire insurance, motor vehicle insurance, marine and aviation insurance.  The classification is rather made for simplicity and to ease description of the indemnity insurance. And secondly, to show the dynamism in insurance business, since many more insurance policies can be designed as soon as the needs are identified and ability acquired. 

For example, it should not sound strange if Nigerian insurers design and market insurance policies such as rainfall, licenses, hairdressers, waste removal contractors and launderettes insurances.

In conclusion, Insurance derives from the situations of unforeseen or fortuitous events, at least in timing. That is to say, the insured event must be accidental rather that willful. Thus, should insurance be classified according to the nature of event on which the sum insured becomes payable.









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